Health Department


NHS MEL (2000)39

Dear Colleague



  1. This circular updates guidance issued in NHS Circular FIN (T) (1996)1 on Treasury Management in NHS Trusts. The changes made to Trust banking arrangements have been promulgated by the Health Act 1999 which received Royal Assent on 30 June 1999 and most of the provisions came into effect through a Commencement Order, on 1 October 1999.
  2. In particular, paragraph 63 of Schedule 4 of the 1999 Act amends paragraphs 6 and 7 of Schedule 7B to the 1978 Act. This change gives Scottish Ministers a power to direct where Trusts may invest any temporary cash surpluses and set limits on the amounts invested.
  3. Background

  4. The new Scottish Parliament has brought with it an increase in the scrutiny of funding available for the public sector as a whole. This scrutiny resulted in a review of cash balances held by Trusts on reconfiguration, resulting in a number of Trusts having to return cash balances held in excess of the determined level. This circular intends to prevent such a build up of large cash balances in the future.
  5. The aim of this circular is to limit the amount of working cash held in commercial bank accounts at Trust level to no more than £50,000.
  6. Any excess funds available for investment at Trust level should be invested with the Office of the Paymaster General (OPG). This is because, although funds invested in commercial banks or other institutions may yield greater interest for an individual Trust, the cost to the public sector as a whole must be minimised. Therefore any Trusts still with current investments with commercial banks should transfer the investments to the OPG account as soon as is practicable. All BACS sponsorship should likewise be transferred to OPG as soon as possible.


20th July 2000


For action:
Directors of Finance, NHS Trusts

Chief Executives, NHS Trusts

For information:

General Managers, Health Boards

Directors of Finance, Health Boards

General Managers, Special Health Boards

Chief Executives, Special Health Boards

Directors of Finance, Special Health Boards

General Manager, Common Services Agency

Director of Finance,Common Services Agency

Enquiries to:

Mr Mark Dailey
Directorate of Finance
NHS Management Executive
Room 237
St Andrew’s House

Tel: 0131-244-2032
Fax: 0131-244-2057


  • Directors of Finance should bring this circular to the attention of all staff involved in treasury management immediately.

  • Trust treasury management arrangements should be reviewed to ensure that they comply with the circular.

  • This circular should be brought to the attention of the Trust Board, to the Board’s Audit Committee and the Trust’s internal auditors.

  • As required by NHS Circular FIN (T) (1996)1, any Trust which has not had its treasury management procedures reviewed by its internal auditors should make arrangements for this to be undertaken as soon as is practicable.

Contact Information

  • If any organisation within the Service has any specific banking queries, the OPG can be contacted by telephone:
  • Pat Cardy - 01293 604 243

    Katie Mansfield - 01293 604 459

  • Contact via e-mail can be made through the following address:
  • It is hoped that this e-mail address will be fully operational by mid-July 2000.

  • Should there be sufficient interest OPG propose to hold a one day seminar to answer any operational issues affecting the Service in relation to the changes in Trust banking arrangements.

    Yours sincerely


    John Aldridge
    Director of Finance